WHEREAS, the 120-acre area within the City of Eagan known as “Carriage Hills” has been acknowledged in the City Comprehensive Guide Plan (2001), Figure 8.4, as a “potential acquisition site;”
WHEREAS, a large portion of “Carriage Hills” will be lost forever as one of the community’s last large parcels of open space, if the City of Eagan approves a private development proposal; and
WHEREAS, wetlands and water quality are likely to diminish as a result of the private development proposal.
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 205.10, the undersigned eligible voters petition the Eagan City Council to call a special election at the earliest possible date to consider the following question:
in an amount not to exceed $____________ to finance the acquisition of the 120-acre property known as ‘Carriage Hills,’ to be used for park and open space purposes?”
The persons who sign below state: “I swear (or affirm) that I know the contents and purpose of this petition and that I signed this petition only once and of my own free will.”
[Note: All information must be filled in by the person(s) signing the petition unless disability prevents the person(s) from doing so.]
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
Signature (first, middle, last): ____________________________ Date: ___________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
Signature (first, middle, last): ____________________________ Date: ___________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
Signature (first, middle, last): ____________________________ Date: ___________________
All information on this petition is subject to public inspection.