If you wish to email City Council Members, please note that they do not have direct access to email. However, we have set up a special email address for you to use.  We will forward copies of the email to the appropriate council member for their response.  emailmailto:citycouncil@ci.eagan.mn.us

Mayor and City Councilmembers do not have offices at City Hall.  The following phone numbers are provided for the public.

Mayor and City Council Members

Contact Number

Mayor Pat Awada


Councilmember Paul Bakken


Councilmember Cyndee Fields


Councilmember Meg Tilley


Councilmember Peggy Carlson


3830 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan, MN 55122

The Mayor and City Council are the legislative and policy making body for Eagan's City government. The Mayor is responsible for chairing Council meetings. In all other ways, the Mayor and Council members have the same authority and responsibilities.

The Mayor and Council are elected to make decisions on behalf of Eagan's nearly 65,000 residents. They adopt and oversee the City's annual budget and set the annual property tax levy as one of the funding sources for the budget. The Mayor and Council also are responsible for policy decisions ranging from land use and subdivision applications to program development and awards of contracts.

The Mayor and Council ensure public participation in their decisions through input at meetings, public hearings, neighborhood meetings, advisory commissions, civic and business organizations and community groups.

In the Council-Administrator form of government, the Administrator is responsible for carrying out the directions of the Council majority. In this way, the Mayor and Council can focus on big picture issues while they oversee the Administrator who manages the day to day operations of the City.

Quick Facts about the Eagan City Council:

The Mayor and City Council are elected to alternating four year terms. Elections are held in November of the even numbered years.

The Council meets in regular session to conduct City business on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Persons wishing to have an issue addressed by the Council should submit a written request to the City to be included in a published agenda.

Agendas for the City Council and Advisory Commission meetings are published in the Dakota County Tribune and Eagan This Week newspapers.

The meetings of the Eagan City Council and several of its advisory commissions are cablecast live on City Cable Channel 16.

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City of Eagan © 2003