Dakota County Board of Commissioners


Subject: Acceptance of Mr. McCarthy's Donated Conservation Easement
on 34 acres north of Wescott Road in Eagan
(the northwest portion of his property)

Monday, September 22, 2003

Passed by a 7 to 0 vote

RESOLUTION --- Acceptance of Donated Conservation Easement On The McCarthy Property

WHEREAS by Resolution No. 02-90 (January 29, 2002), the Dakota County Board of Commissioners adopted a Farmland and Natural Area Protection Plan in response to citizen concerns; and

WHEREAS on November 5, 2002, Dakota County voters approved a $20 million bond referendum to fund the protection of priority natural areas and farmlands; and

WHEREAS by Resolution No. 03-334 (June 17, 2003), the County Board adopted Farmland and Natural Area Program Guidelines; and

WHEREAS the Dakota County Farmland and Natural Area Program Guidelines provide the flexibility to address emergency situations that arise between application rounds in instances of pending estate sales, natural disaster, or other personal or family crisis; and

WHEREAS Mr. Patrick McCarthy has an Internal Revenue Service deadline of September 22, 2003, to settle the estate of his late brother James and has offered to donate a conservation easement to Dakota County to protect 34 acres of land as permanent open space in central Eagan; and

WHEREAS the proposed conservation easement would protect land that has been identified in the Dakota County Farmland and Natural Area Protection Plan.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners accepts the donation of a conservation easement from Patrick McCarthy and the estate of James A. McCarthy; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Board Chair and the Clerk to the Board are hereby authorized to execute the conservation easement on behalf of Dakota County.

Adopted, September 22, 2003

Willis Branning, Chair of the Dakota County Board of Commissioners

Mary Scheide, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners

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