-----Original Message-----
From: Jack G. Conrad [mailto:jackgconrad @ earthlink.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 12:36 AM
To: Organizer@FriendsofPatrickEaganPark.org
Subject: McKnight Foundation Awards Ceremony at Patrick Eagan Park
Dear Friends of Patrick Eagan Park,
Last Thursday, April 17th, the McKnight Foundation gave out its first set of "Champions of Open Space" Awards to four Dakota County residents for their key roles in last fall's successful "Vote Yes on One" referendum campaign for the Farmland and Natural Area Program ( www.co.dakota.mn.us/news_events/2002referendum.htm ). Local newspapers were on hand as well as the local cable station.
McKnight Foundation President, Rip Rapson, conducted the event, and introduced a handful of regional speakers before the awards were distributed. These speakers included:
Award recipients included two Dakota County Commissioners and two Dakota County private citizens who were strong advocates of the referendum. They were:
A photo of the Award ceremony can be found [Here]. Biographies and descriptions of the award recipients can be found at the McKnight Foundation's Embrace Open Space Web site:
On behalf of Friends of Patrick Eagan Park and other proponents of additional local green space, we salute this spring's winners of the "Champions of Open Space" Awards.
---Jack Conrad