Friends of Patrick Eagan Park

Press Release


FROM: Friends of Patrick Eagan Park      CONTACT PERSON:Jack G. Conrad
TO: Twin Cities Press Associates     TELEPHONE: 651-687-4960
DATE: Wednesday, March 5, 2003       E-MAIL ADDRESS: JackGConrad@EarthLink.Net

SUBJECT: Eagan City Council Endorses Anderson Property Acquisition Plan, the Eagan Core Greenway Project

This week the Eagan City Council endorsed a recommendation from the Eagan Advisory Parks Commission to partner with several regional green space funding agencies to secure the Anderson property. The 10 acre parcel is located just south of the east entrance to Patrick Eagan Park. Patrick Eagan Park has been described as the "crown jewel" of Eagan's parks and represents a key section of the Eagan Core Greenway, a two-mile, 400+ acre stretch of public and private green space extending from the McCarthy farm south to Lebanon Hills Regional Park. Last year, the McKnight Foundation named the Eagan Core Greenway one of the Twin Cities' "top-ten [natural] treasures."

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